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Updated: 1 hour 28 min ago

Too many missing satellite galaxies found

Bringing us one step closer to solving the 'missing satellites problem,' researchers have discovered two new satellite galaxies.

Breakthrough research makes cancer-fighting viral agent more effective

Researchers have made a significant breakthrough by discovering that the drug 4-OI can enhance the effectiveness of a cancer-fighting viral agent. This may lead to treatment of cancers that are otherwise resistant to therapies.

New class of Mars quakes reveals daily meteorite strikes

An international team of researchers combine orbital imagery with seismological data from NASA's Mars InSight lander to derive a new impact rate for meteorite strikes on Mars. Seismology also offers a new tool for determining the density of Mars' craters and the age of different regions of a planet.

New model could help provide expectant mothers a clearer path to safe fish consumption

Research creates a framework to better balance the nutritional benefit of fish consumption with the risk of mercury exposure to the developing brain.
