Science and Technology

Can Kerala’s policy to limit antibiotics misuse lead to reduced AMR?

The Hindu:Science - 28/09/2024
Kerala imports at least 60% of broiler chicken, eggs and vegetables from neighbouring States, many of which have no AMR regulations in place for humans, animals and agriculture

IIA researchers find evidence of interaction between a radio jet and interstellar gas

The Hindu:Science - 28/09/2024
Department of Science and Technology said the finding challenges the hypothesis that only large and massive galaxy jets which regulate star formation host AGN powered by massive black holes.

Science and the City: Sci560 captures Bengaluru’s rich legacy

The Hindu:Science - 27/09/2024
Sci560, a new exhibition that opened at Science Gallery Bengaluru, uses a selection of objects from the city’s various institutions to offer insights into the science and innovation that shaped it

Exploring the ‘wonderful world’ of symplectic geometry to solve problems in mechanics

The Hindu:Science - 26/09/2024
Wolf Prize laureate Yakov Eliashberg delivers the new TNQ Distinguished Lecture in Mathematics

Sci-Five | The Hindu Science Quiz: On Electroreception

The Hindu:Science - 26/09/2024
This week’s Sci-Five quiz is on electroreception.

Could rotating black holes be the wind turbines powering the distant future?

The Hindu:Science - 26/09/2024
Scientists have postulated a theory which concerns all rotating objects that can absorb matter or radiation, and a black hole is, in essence, just a very big and effective absorber

Scientists are using ancient DNA to reveal the Iberian lynx’s ‘weapon’ against extinction

The Hindu:Science - 26/09/2024
Research has revealed how the Iberian lynx interbred with its cousin, the Eurasian lynx  over the past few thousand years to boost it’s genetic diversity

Octopuses, fish hunt together using surprisingly complex decision-making

The Hindu:Science - 26/09/2024
Animals of the same species often cooperate – work together to reach some kind of goal. But it’s rare to find cooperation between individuals from different species.

Extinct volcanoes could help sate humanity’s hunger for rare earth elements

The Hindu:Science - 26/09/2024
Demand for rare earths is soaring as society moves away from fossil fuels and electrifies energy production and transport.

Evolution can change how an ecosystem collapses, study finds

The Hindu:Science - 25/09/2024
Evolution, especially in the microbial world, can happen very quickly.

Earth is getting a new mini-moon, and it won’t be the first or the last

The Hindu:Science - 25/09/2024
Our new mini-moon is approximately 10 metres in diameter and will be captured by Earth’s gravity for 57 days.


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