Science and Technology

What do the Atlantic Ocean hurricane forecasts foretell for India?

The Hindu:Science - 18/10/2024
Climate models forecast cyclones indirectly, based on metrics that indicate cyclonic activity and its potential intensity

Thiruvananthapuram observatory captures stunning images of rare comet C/2023 A3

The Hindu:Science - 17/10/2024
Although the comet was closest to Earth on October 12, the inclement weather in Thiruvananthapuram hindered observations on that day

Sci-Five | The Hindu Science Quiz: On Ada Lovelace

The Hindu:Science - 17/10/2024
This week’s Sci-five quiz is on Ada Lovelace.

Canadian climate lawsuit by young people could sway global cases

The Hindu:Science - 17/10/2024
The lawsuit, launched against Ontario by seven people aged 16 to 28 as of this summer, contends the province's greenhouse-gas-emissions target is inadequate and violates the young people's rights

Nobel Prize for microRNA find underscores RNA’s primacy in biology

The Hindu:Science - 17/10/2024
When Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun won the Nobel Prize last week, 581 clinical trials involving miRNA had been registered in the U.S. alone

To curb antimicrobial resistance, government may include antibiotics in definition of new drug

The Hindu:Science - 16/10/2024
If brought into the new drug bracket, manufacturing, marketing and sale of antibiotics will be documented; Patients will be able to buy antibiotics on prescription only

Science for All | What are Trojan asteroids?

The Hindu:Science - 16/10/2024
The Hindu’s weekly Science for All newsletter explains all things Science, without the jargon.


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