Science and Technology

Novel blood test helps improve cancer treatments

Science Daily - 01/07/2024
Oncologists use biopsy and imaging techniques to diagnose and monitor tumor diseases and assess treatment success. Researchers have further developed an advanced method to analyze liquid biopsies of DNA fragments in the blood. The new method is fast and practical, without putting much of a strain on patients. This could make it possible to provide diagnostics and treatments that are more closely tailored to individual patients in the future.

In China, rocket accidentally lifts off during test and crashes

The Hindu:Science - 01/07/2024
According to Space Pioneer, the first stage of the Tianlong-3 ignited normally during a hot test but later detached from the bench due to a structural failure

Indian can be part of human space flight programme of Blue Origin for just $2.50, needs votes to get a seat on New Shepard

The Hindu:Science - 01/07/2024
On July 1, SERA announced that it will offer citizens from across the world six seats on a future mission of New Shepard, which is the reusable sub-orbital rocket of Blue Origin

Study finds gene mutation that turns familiar faces into strangers

The Hindu:Science - 01/07/2024
Individuals carrying the mutant gene took much longer than socially acceptable to recognise people with whom they were expected to be familiar

This desert moss has the potential to grow on Mars

Science Daily - 01/07/2024
The desert moss Syntrichia caninervis is a promising candidate for Mars colonization thanks to its extreme ability to tolerate harsh conditions lethal to most life forms. The moss is well known for its ability to tolerate drought conditions, but researchers now report that it can also survive freezing temperatures as low as 196 C, high levels of gamma radiation, and simulated Martian conditions involving these three stressors combined. In all cases, prior dehydration seemed to help the plants cope.

India adds 641 new animal species, 339 new plant taxa in 2023

The Hindu:Science - 30/06/2024
Kerala adds highest number of animal species; West Bengal records the most plant discoveries; Himalayan ibex proved to be distinct from Siberian ibex; new portal hosts exhaustive checklist of Indian fauna

ISRO will launch first dedicated SSLV commercial mission in 2026 

The Hindu:Science - 30/06/2024
The announcement was made jointly by NewSpace India, Ltd. and Space Machines Company at the India Space Congress

International Asteroid Day: Asteroids fly-by Earth in serendipitous celebration

The Hindu:Science - 30/06/2024
The fly-by is perfectly timed to coincide with International Asteroid Day on June 30.

What was the tussle over Covaxin IPR? | Explained

The Hindu:Science - 30/06/2024
What are the rules for patenting the intellectual property rights of a vaccine? Why was the ICMR not included?

Chasing an eclipse… on a Concorde!

The Hindu:Science - 30/06/2024
The total solar eclipse that took place on June 30, 1973 was a long one. A bunch of scientists aboard Concorde 001, however, made it the longest observed total eclipse ever by following the path of totality. A.S.Ganesh details how aviation met astronomy to make this incredible feat possible…

India is a powerhouse of mathematics, says Krishnaswami Alladi

The Hindu:Science - 29/06/2024
His autobiography My Mathematical Universe-People, Personalities and The Profession has been released

Endemic dengue may have helped stem severity of early COVID wave in India: study

The Hindu:Science - 29/06/2024
Results of the research suggest that the antibodies following a dengue infection were able to ‘neutralise’ these coronavirus.

IISc researchers develop engineered biocatalyst for making drop-in biofuels

The Hindu:Science - 29/06/2024
According to IISc, given the finite availability and polluting nature of fossil fuels, scientists are increasingly exploring sustainable fuel pathways that involve compounds called hydrocarbons

Why should educational institutions consider promoting a secular form of spirituality?

The Hindu:Science - 29/06/2024
Exploring a secular form of spirituality may help students develop a sense of connection, whether to “nature, the cosmos, and other people”

To regenerate the kidney, please don't pass the salt

Science Daily - 29/06/2024
A loss of salt and body fluid can stimulate kidney regeneration and repair in mice, according to a new study. This innate regenerative response relies on a small population of kidney cells in a region known as the macula densa (MD), which senses salt and exerts control over filtration, hormone secretion, and other key functions of this vital organ.


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