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Updated: 2 hours 51 min ago

Exposure to heat and cold in early life may affect development of white matter in the brain

Brain scans of more than 2,000 preadolescents suggests that early life exposure to heat and cold may have lasting effects on the microstructure of white matter in the brain, especially when living in poorer neighborhoods. The study highlights the vulnerability of fetuses and children to extreme temperatures.

NASA's Roman mission gets cosmic 'sneak peek' from supercomputers

Researchers used supercomputers to create nearly 4 million simulated images depicting the cosmos.

Swimming microrobots deliver cancer-fighting drugs to metastatic lung tumors in mice

Engineers have developed microscopic robots, known as microrobots, capable of swimming through the lungs to deliver cancer-fighting medication directly to metastatic tumors. This approach has shown promise in mice, where it inhibited the growth and spread of tumors that had metastasized to the lungs, thereby boosting survival rates compared to control treatments.

Mouse study identifies unique approach for preventing life-threatening complications after spinal cord injury

A new study identifies a druggable cellular target that, if controlled properly, could prevent or lessen autonomic dysfunction and improve quality of life for people with spinal cord injury.

Mobile monitoring for an airborne carcinogen in Louisiana's 'Cancer Alley'

Louisiana's southeastern corridor is sometimes known colloquially as 'Cancer Alley' for its high cancer incidence rates connected to industrial air pollution. Most of the region's air pollution-related health risks are attributed to ethylene oxide, a volatile compound used to make plastics and sterilize medical equipment. Researchers measured concerning levels of ethylene oxide in this area with mobile optical instruments, a technique they say could improve health risk assessments.

Soaring birds use their lungs to modify mechanics of flight

An air-filled sac within the birds' lungs is believed to increase the force the birds use to power flight muscles while soaring.

What the geologic record reveals about how oceans were oxygenated 2.3 billion years ago

Geochemists used thallium isotopes to track the rise and fall of free oxygen on Earth between 2.5 and 2.2 billion years ago, the process that enabled life as we know it.

Putting the brakes on chronic inflammation

Scientists have discovered a previously unknown link between two key pathways that regulate the immune system in mammals -- a finding that impacts our understanding of chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). This family of disorders severely impacts the health and quality of life of more than 2 million people in the United States.

Laser tests reveal new insights into key mineral for super-Earths

Scientists have for the first time observed how atoms in magnesium oxide morph and melt under ultra-harsh conditions, providing new insights into this key mineral within Earth's mantle that is known to influence planet formation.

Ancient Syrian diets resembled the modern 'Mediterranean diet'

Thousands of years ago, people in ancient Syria likely ate mostly grains, grapes, olives and a small amount of dairy and meat -- similar to today's 'Mediterranean diet,' according to a new study.

Greek Island was home to Bronze Age purple dye workshop

The Greek island of Aegina was home to a Late Bronze Age purple dye workshop, according to a new study.

Incorporating 'touch' into social media interactions can increase feelings of support and approval

Including 'tactile emoticons' into social media communications can enhance communication, according to a new study.

The gender gap in life expectancy: Are eggs and sperm partly responsible?

Researchers have found that germ cells, which develop into eggs and sperm, drive sex-dependent differences in lifespan in vertebrates. Female and male germ cells increase and reduce lifespan, respectively. These effects are controlled via estrogen and growth factor hormones in females and vitamin D in males. Vitamin D supplementation extends lifespan in both males and females. The results clarify the link between reproduction and aging and show that vitamin D may improve longevity in vertebrates.

To heal skin, scientists invent living bioelectronics

Engineers have created a patch that combines sensors and bacteria to interact with the body.

Researchers leverage inkjet printing to make a portable multispectral 3D camera

Researchers have used inkjet printing to create a compact multispectral version of a light field camera. The camera, which fits in the palm of the hand, could be useful for many applications including autonomous driving, classification of recycled materials and remote sensing.

Scientists adapt astronomy method to unblur microscopy images

Researchers have adapted a class of techniques employed in astronomy to unblur images of far-away galaxies for use in the life sciences, providing biologists with a faster and cheaper way to get clearer and sharper microscopy images.

Metal alloys that can take the heat

Complex metal alloys enter a new era of predictive design for aerospace and other high-temperature applications.

Robot radiotherapy could improve treatments for eye disease

Researchers have successfully used a new robot system to improve treatment for debilitating eye disease.

Quantum dots and metasurfaces: Deep connections in the nano world

A team has developed printable, highly efficient light-emitting metasurfaces.

A mountainous mystery uncovered in Australia's pink sands

Deposits of deep-pink sand washing up on South Australian shores shed new light on when the Australian tectonic plate began to subduct beneath the Pacific plate, as well as the presence of previously unknown ancient Antarctic mountains.
