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Updated: 2 hours 54 min ago

Infectious H5N1 influenza virus in raw milk rapidly declines with heat treatment

The amount of infectious H5N1 influenza viruses in raw milk rapidly declined with heat treatment in laboratory research. However, small, detectable amounts of infectious virus remained in raw milk samples with high virus levels when treated at 72 degrees Celsius (161.6 degrees Fahrenheit) for 15 seconds -- one of the standard pasteurization methods used by the dairy industry. The authors of the study stress, however, that their findings reflect experimental conditions in a laboratory setting and are not identical to large-scale industrial pasteurization processes for raw milk.

Novel insights into fluorescent 'dark states' illuminate ways forward for improved imaging

Scientists address decades-long problem in the field of single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer, paving the way for more accurate experiments.

Global trial confirms benefit of antacids on bleeding prevention for ventilated patients

Critically ill patients are at risk of stress-induced upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Now, a global trial confirms that a widely available drug does prevent upper gastrointestinal bleeding.

Low-sodium alternatives can lead to major health gains in Indonesia

Excess sodium intake and a lack of potassium are major contributing factors towards high blood pressure in Indonesia, prompting calls for low-sodium potassium-rich salt substitutes (LSSS) to be readily available to improve health and curb health costs.

AI can help doctors make better decisions and save lives

A recent study found that hospitalized patients were 43 percent more likely to have their care escalated and significantly less likely to die if their care team received AI-generated alerts signaling adverse changes in their health.

Does exercise in greenspace boost the individual health benefits of each?

Research suggests exercising in a park or other natural setting is more beneficial than exercising indoors.

New insights into the brain regions involved in paranoia

The capacity to adjust beliefs about one's actions and their consequences in a constantly changing environment is a defining characteristic of advanced cognition. Disruptions to this ability, however, can negatively affect cognition and behavior, leading to such states of mind as paranoia, or the belief that others intend to harm us. In a new study, scientists uncover how one specific region of the brain might causally provoke these feelings of paranoia. Their novel approach -- which involved aligning data collected from monkeys with human data -- also offers a new cross-species framework through which scientists might better understand human cognition through the study of other species.

Sweaty cattle may boost food security in a warming world

Climate change is making it more difficult to raise cattle -- growth and reproduction are affected by heat -- so it's critical to breed cattle better adapted to a hotter and longer summer. A new study shows it's possible to identify the genes within breeds of cattle that would lead to the sweatiest, heat-tolerant offspring.

Making ferromagnets ready for ultra-fast communication and computation technology

Researchers have made a significant breakthrough in how to enable and exploit ultra-fast spin behavior in ferromagnets. The research paves the way for ultra-high frequency applications.

Lab achieves major gains in perovskite solar cell stability

Researchers have developed new chemistry to achieve commercially relevant stability and performance for perovskite solar cells.

New fabric makes urban heat islands more bearable

Researchers detail a new wearable fabric that can help urban residents survive the worst impacts of massive heat caused by global climate change, with applications in clothing, building and car design, and food storage. By addressing both direct solar heating and the thermal radiation emitting from pavement and buildings in urban heat islands, the material kept 2.3 degrees Celsius (4.1 degrees Fahrenheit) cooler than the broadband emitter fabric used for outdoor endurance sports and 8.9 degrees Celsius (16 degrees Fahrenheit) cooler than the commercialized silk commonly used for shirts, dresses and other summer clothing.

A conservation market could incentivize global ocean protection

Thirty-by-thirty: protect 30% of the planet by 2030. While conservation is popular in principle, the costs of actually enacting it often stall even the most earnest efforts. Researchers have now proposed a market-based approach to achieving the 30x30 targets in the ocean.

Can engineered plants help make baby formula as nutritious as breast milk?

New research may help close the nutrition gap between infant formula and human breast milk. The study shows how plants can be programmed to produce a diverse array of beneficial sugars found in human breast milk. The findings could lead to healthier and more affordable formula for babies, or more nutritious non-dairy plant milk for adults.

Pair plasmas found in deep space can now be generated in the lab

Researchers have experimentally generated high-density relativistic electron-positron pair-plasma beams by producing two to three orders of magnitude more pairs than previously reported.

Scientists preserve DNA in an amber-like polymer

With their 'T-REX' method, researchers developed a glassy, amber-like polymer that can be used for long-term storage of DNA, such as entire human genomes or digital files such as photos.

Are mixed emotions real? New research says yes

Neuroscientists found that brains display distinct neural activity when experiencing emotions such as bitter-sweetness. The advance could help solve a longstanding scientific debate: whether 'mixed emotions' arise from unique activity in the brain, or if we're just flip-flopping back and forth between positive and negative feelings.

The rotation of Earth's inner core has slowed, new study confirms

The new study provides unambiguous evidence that the inner core began to decrease its speed around 2010, moving slower than the Earth's surface.

New dart launcher may be better way to inject animals with drugs

A new type of dart launcher has been developed as a safer and more cost-effective alternative to firearms or air guns to inject animals with drugs or tracking chips.

Only one in 20 therapies tested in animals reach approval for human use

An analysis of reviews of translational biomedical research reveals that just 5% of therapies tested in animals reach regulatory approval for human use. The umbrella review summarizes other systematic reviews and provides high level evidence that while the rate of translation to human studies is 50%, there is steep drop off before final approval.

Technologies enable 3D imaging of whole human brain hemispheres at subcellular resolution

A suite of three innovations enables high-resolution, high-throughput imaging of human brain tissue at a full range of scales and mapping connectivity of neurons at single cell resolution. To demonstrate the advance, researchers compared a brain region in an Alzheimer's and a control sample.
