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Updated: 1 hour 43 min ago

Modifying genomes of tardigrades to unravel their secrets

Some species of tardigrades are highly and unusually resilient to various extreme conditions fatal to most other forms of life. The genetic basis for these exceptional abilities remains elusive. Researchers have now successfully edited genes using the CRISPR technique in a highly resilient tardigrade species previously impossible to study with genome-editing tools. The successful delivery of CRISPR to an asexual tardigrade species directly produces gene-edited offspring. The design and editing of specific tardigrade genes allow researchers to investigate which are responsible for tardigrade resilience and how such resilience can work.

The yuck factor counteracts sustainable laundry habits

Most people today would lean towards environmentally friendly life choices, but not at the expense of being clean. When it comes to our washing habits, the fear of being perceived as dirty often wins out over the desire to act in an environmentally friendly way. And the more inclined we are to feel disgusted, the more we wash our clothes. This is shown by a unique study that examines the driving forces behind our laundering behaviours and provides new tools for how people's environmental impact can be reduced.

Dopamine linked to mentalizing abilities

A link between the neurotransmitter dopamine and the mentalizing abilities of healthy people has been identified.

The scary, yet promising world of phages, the pathogen's pathogen

Researchers are unlocking the mystery of how bacteria harness viruses to wipe out the competition. The answers could help spur the development of alternatives to antibiotics.

Clinical decision support software can prevent 95% of medication errors in the operating room, study shows

Findings indicate that such software can dramatically improve patient safety during surgery.

Being given a choice makes touch more pleasant, study finds

When people are asked for consent before being touched, they have a more pleasant experience of the interaction, researchers have discovered.

Paleontology: New fossil fish genus discovered

Paleontologists have identified a new genus of fossil goby, revealing evolutionary secrets of a lineage that stretches back millions of years.

New technique improves AI ability to map 3D space with 2D cameras

Researchers have developed a technique that allows artificial intelligence (AI) programs to better map three-dimensional spaces using two-dimensional images captured by multiple cameras. Because the technique works effectively with limited computational resources, it holds promise for improving the navigation of autonomous vehicles.

Studies uncover the critical role of sleep in the formation of memories

A lack of sleep can make it extraordinarily difficult to retain information. Two new studies uncover why this is and what is happening inside the brain during sleep and sleep deprivation to help or harm the formation of memories.

Short-term loneliness associated with physical health problems

Loneliness may be harmful to our daily health, according to a new study focused on understanding the subtleties of loneliness and how variations in daily feelings of loneliness effect short- and long-term well-being. The researchers said the work provides more evidence in support of the devastating impact of loneliness and isolation on physical health in the country, calling it a public health crisis.

Pediatric brain tumors rely on different metabolic 'route' to fuel treatment resistance

Researchers are one step closer to understanding how pediatric DIPG tumors work.

Video analysis of Iceland 2010 eruption could improve volcanic ash forecasts for aviation safety

Video footage of Iceland's 2010 Eyjafjallaj kull eruption is providing researchers with rare, up-close observations of volcanic ash clouds -- information that could help better forecast how far explosive eruptions disperse their hazardous ash particles.

Neural balance in the brain is associated with brain maturity and better cognitive ability

The E/I ratio of children decreases with healthy development. Children with a lower E/I ratio were observed to have better performance than their peers in cognitive tests such as memory and intelligence, according to researchers.

Parliamentary members use simpler language on hot days

Climate change has many widespread and complicated effects on the well-being of people and the planet, and a new study has now added a surprising one to the list. After analyzing the language used in seven million parliamentary speeches around the world, it shows that high temperatures lead to a significant and immediate reduction in politicians' language complexity.

Study hints at tools to prevent diabetes caused by psychiatric meds

New research points to a potential approach to reducing the risk of diabetes associated with widely prescribed antipsychotic medications. The study presents early evidence in support of co-administering antipsychotic medications that block dopamine receptors in the brain alongside drugs that stop antipsychotics from blocking those same receptors in the pancreas. This approach could limit metabolic side effects, including impaired control over blood sugar, or dysglycemia.

Outdoor recreation noise affects wildlife behavior and habitat use, study finds

We may go to the woods seeking peace and quiet, but are we taking our noise with us? A recent study indicates that the answer is yes -- and that this noise can trigger a fear response, as if escaping from predators. This new science calls into question whether otherwise high-quality habitat truly provides refugia for wildlife when recreationists are present and underscores the challenges land managers face in balancing outdoor recreational opportunities with wildlife conservation.

Confronting trauma alleviates chronic pain among older veterans

A new study found chronic pain among older adults could be significantly reduced through a newly developed psychotherapy that works by confronting past trauma and stress-related emotions that can exacerbate pain symptoms.

Reinvigorating exhausted immune cells reveals potential therapy target for cancer

Researchers have not only identified how two immune cells work together to fight cancer but also revealed the cascade of molecules that help coordinate this attack.

After major traumatic brain injury, more blood transfusions could mean better outcomes

Increased use of blood transfusions after major traumatic brain injury could help people hospitalized in intensive care units regain greater functional independence and a better quality of life, according to new research.

Public more confident connecting increasing heat, wildfires with climate change than other extreme weather events, study finds

Researchers found that U.S. adults are fairly confident in linking wildfires and heat to climate change, but less confident when it comes to other extreme weather events like hurricanes, flooding or tornadoes.
