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Sky's the limit for biofuels

Science Daily - 08/06/2024
The United States has enough biomass potential to produce 35 billion gallons per year of aviation biofuel by 2050, a new report confirms.

In new experiment, scientists record Earth's radio waves from the moon

Science Daily - 08/06/2024
Odysseus, a tenacious lander built by the company Intuitive Machines, almost didn't make it to the moon. But an experiment aboard the spacecraft managed to capture an image of Earth as it might look to observers on a planet far from our own.

Cascadia Subduction Zone, one of Earth's top hazards, comes into sharper focus

Science Daily - 08/06/2024
A new study has produced the first comprehensive survey of the many complex structures beneath the seafloor in the Cascadia Subduction Zone, off British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and California. It is providing scientists with key insights into how future disasters may unfold.

A protein that enables smell--and stops cell death

Science Daily - 08/06/2024
While smell plays a considerable role in the social interactions of humans -- for instance, signaling fear or generating closeness -- for ants, it is vitally important. Researchers have found that a key protein named Orco, essential for the function of olfactory cells, is also critical for the cells' survival in ants.

Lake under Mars ice cap unlikely

Science Daily - 08/06/2024
Researchers have provided a simple and comprehensive -- if less dramatic -- explanation for bright radar reflections initially interpreted as liquid water beneath the ice cap on Mars' south pole.

Simply looking at the natural world in urban areas can reap benefits

Science Daily - 08/06/2024
New eye-tracking research has shown that simply looking at natural elements during urban walks can offer significant mental health benefits.

Online professional education works for complex topics

Science Daily - 08/06/2024
Online education is effective for teaching complicated topics like quantum information science (QIS) to high school science educators, according to a new article.

Changes Upstream: RIPE team uses CRISPR/Cas9 to alter photosynthesis for the first time

Science Daily - 08/06/2024
Scientists used CRISPR/Cas9 to increase gene expression in rice by changing its upstream regulatory DNA. While other studies have used the technology to knock out or decrease the expression of genes, this study, is an unbiased gene-editing approach to increase gene expression and downstream photosynthetic activity. The approach is more difficult than transgenic breeding, but could potentially preempt regulatory issues by changing DNA already within the plant, allowing the plants to get in the hands of farmers sooner.

Antioxidant gel preserves islet function after pancreas removal

Science Daily - 08/06/2024
Severe chronic pancreatitis is treated by removing the pancreas. Without a pancreas, patients also lose insulin-producing cells called islets. To preserve insulin responses, surgeons transplant islets to the liver, which has poor outcomes. New strategy uses a synthetic gel to transplant islets to the omentum, showing promise in small and large animal studies. With the new approach, more islets survived transplantation and grew blood vessels into the omentum.

Tiny new species of great ape lived in Germany 11 million years ago

Science Daily - 08/06/2024
Ancient apes in Germany co-existed by partitioning resources in their environment, according to a new study.

15-day Paxlovid regimen safe but adds no clear long-COVID benefit, trial finds

Science Daily - 08/06/2024
Paxlovid, effective in preventing severe COVID-19, didn't appear to help long-COVID patients in this single-center study. But further research may show benefits with different doses or for people with specific symptoms.

Basic income can double global GDP while reducing carbon emissions

Science Daily - 07/06/2024
Giving a regular cash payment to the entire world population has the potential to increase global gross domestic product (GDP) by 130%, according to a new analysis. Researchers suggest that charging carbon emitters with an emission tax could help fund such basic income program while reducing environmental degradation.

Fat molecule's inability to bond with shape-shifting protein in cell's powerhouse linked to an inherited metabolic disease

Science Daily - 07/06/2024
By studying mutations in yeast and human cells, scientists say they have found that biochemical bonds between fats and proteins in the mitochondrion, the cell's powerhouse, play a crucial role in how our cells produce energy.

Mushroom stump waste could be inexpensive, healthy chicken feed supplement

Science Daily - 07/06/2024
Feed costs for producing broiler chickens accounts for 60% to 70% of total production costs, and stump waste from the production of button mushrooms comprises nearly 30% of total mushroom weight. Marrying the two has the potential to reduce both cost and waste, especially in Pennsylvania, which is a national leader in the production of broiler chickens and button mushrooms.

Wildfire smoke reached 99% of U.S. lakes in 2019-2021

Science Daily - 07/06/2024
Where there's smoke, there's not always fire. Wildfire smoke drifted to nearly every lake in North America for at least one day per year from 2019 to 2021, found a UC Davis study.

Robotic device restores wavelike muscular function involved in processes like digestion, aiding patients with compromised organs

Science Daily - 07/06/2024
A team of researchers has developed a wirelessly activated device that mimics the wavelike muscular function in the esophagus and small intestine responsible for transporting food and viscous fluids for digestion.

Study identifies potential pathway to reducing breast cancer brain metastases

Science Daily - 07/06/2024
A study has identified a biological mechanism that could lead to more effective treatments for breast cancer that has metastasized to the brain.

How does oxygen depletion disrupt memory formation in the brain?

Science Daily - 07/06/2024
When we learn something new, our brain cells (neurons) communicate with each other through electrical and chemical signals. If the same group of neurons communicate together often, the connections between them get stronger. This process helps our brains learn and remember things and is known as long-term potentiation or LTP. Another type of LTP occurs when the brain is deprived of oxygen temporarily -- anoxia-induced long-term potentiationor aLTP. aLTP blocks the former process, thereby impairing learning and memory. Therefore, some scientists think that aLTP might be involved in memory problems seen in conditions like stroke.

Inhibition of epigenetic control enzymes in immune cells as a potential new starting point in cancer immunotherapy

Science Daily - 07/06/2024
Immunotherapy is one of the pillars in the fight against cancer and aims to enable the body's own immune system to fight a tumor. A recent study now shows that removing certain enzymes that regulate epigenetic processes from the so-called dentritic cells of the immune system influences their development and thus improves anti-tumor immunity. This finding could lead to new therapeutic strategies in immunotherapy.


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