Science and Technology

Four-legged, dog-like robot 'sniffs' hazardous gases in inaccessible environments

Science Daily - 11/06/2024
Nightmare material or truly man's best friend? A team of researchers equipped a dog-like quadruped robot with a mechanized arm that takes air samples from potentially treacherous situations, such as an abandoned building or fire. The robot dog walks samples to a person who screens them for potentially hazardous compounds.

Fine-tuning leaf angle with CRISPR improves sugarcane yield

Science Daily - 11/06/2024
A CABBI research team has used CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing to optimize leaf angle in sugarcane, increasing the amount of sunlight it captures and the amount of biomass it produces.

Early life exposure to weed pollen could increase childhood asthma risk

Science Daily - 11/06/2024
A study has found children who are exposed to tree and weed pollen in urban environments are at increased risk of respiratory health problems, including asthma. While green areas in urban settings decrease exposure to air pollution, allow kids to be active, and offer positive contact to a diverse microbiota -- which in turn may help the positive development of a child's immune system -- they can also lead to the development of childhood asthma. Thankfully, trees can help mitigate this effect to some degree, thanks to their canopy.

Two can play that game: juvenile dolphins who play together are more successful as adults

Science Daily - 11/06/2024
Juvenile social play predicts adult reproductive success in male bottlenose dolphins, a new study has found.

Protocol for creating 'wired miniature brains'

Science Daily - 11/06/2024
Researchers have developed -- and shared -- a process for creating brain cortical organoids -- essentially miniature artificial brains with functioning neural networks.

Advanced AI-based techniques scale-up solving complex combinatorial optimization problems

Science Daily - 11/06/2024
A framework based on advanced AI techniques can solve complex, computationally intensive problems faster and in a more more scalable way than state-of-the-art methods, according to a new study.

Study shows first evidence of male-female differences in how pain can be produced

Science Daily - 11/06/2024
Research suggests that males and females differ in their experience of pain, but up until now, no one knew why.

Hubble finds surprises around a star that erupted 40 years ago

Science Daily - 11/06/2024
Astronomers have used new data from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and the retired SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy) as well as archival data from other missions to revisit one of the strangest binary star systems in our galaxy -- 40 years after it burst onto the scene as a bright and long-lived nova. A nova is a star that suddenly increases its brightness tremendously and then fades away to its former obscurity, usually in a few months or years.

Researchers demonstrate the first chip-based 3D printer

Science Daily - 11/06/2024
Researchers have demonstrated the first chip-based 3D printer, a tiny device that emits reconfigurable beams of visible light into a well of resin that rapidly cures into a solid shape. The advance could enable a 3D printer small enough to fit in the palm of a person's hand.

Webb telescope reveals asteroid collision in neighboring star system

Science Daily - 10/06/2024
Astronomers have captured what appears to be a snapshot of a massive collision of giant asteroids in Beta Pictoris, a neighboring star system known for its early age and tumultuous planet-forming activity.

Researchers create skin-inspired sensory robots to provide medical treatment

Science Daily - 10/06/2024
Scientists have created innovative soft robots equipped with electronic skins and artificial muscles, allowing them to sense their surroundings and adapt their movements in real-time.

Researchers use 3D visualization to predict, prevent hurricane damage

Science Daily - 10/06/2024
The researchers say 3D visualization of hurricanes and storm surges allows them to understand how flooding will impact coastal communities by allowing them to vividly see how each building and road might be impacted by a given flood.

Upstream and downstream: River study highlights cross-country inequities

Science Daily - 10/06/2024
New research highlights inequities between downstream and upstream countries that share the same watershed. The study outlines how international agreements can better address shared resource problems and call for greater collaboration and coordination between these international neighbors.

Disturbed blood flow can damage the vessel wall in cases of aortic dilation

Science Daily - 10/06/2024
Abnormal blood flow in the aorta is linked to inflammation and breakdown of the vessel wall in conditions where the aorta is dilated. The findings can contribute to better diagnosis and open up new ways to assess the risk of serious and usually fatal complications, such as rupture of the aorta.

Peers crucial in shaping boys' confidence in math skills

Science Daily - 10/06/2024
Boys are good at math, girls not so much? A study has analyzed the social mechanisms that contribute to the gender gap in math confidence. While peer comparisons seem to play a crucial role for boys, girls' subjective evaluations are more likely to be based on objective performance.

How human derived RNA fragments help the Hepatitis E virus

Science Daily - 10/06/2024
Why does Hepatitis E become chronic in some patients, and why do medications not work? To find out, an international research team led by scientists from Bochum observed a patient with chronic Hepatitis E infection over a year. Repeated sequencing of the virus RNA showed that the virus incorporated various parts of the host's messenger RNA into its genome. This resulted in a replication advantage, which may have contributed to the infection becoming chronic.

Study estimates that between 1980 and 2020, 135 million premature deaths could be linked to fine particulate matter pollution

Science Daily - 10/06/2024
A study has revealed that fine particulate matter from 1980 to 2020 was associated with approximately 135 million premature deaths globally.

Optimism wards off procrastination

Science Daily - 10/06/2024
People with an optimistic outlook on the future are less likely to be severe procrastinators, according to new research. While procrastinators often admonish themselves for their 'bad habit,' it turns out that their worries for the future are more to blame. Through a survey of nearly 300 young people, researchers found that those who had a positive view about their stress levels decreasing in the future, compared to the past or present, were less likely to experience severe procrastination. Views on personal well-being didn't appear to have an effect. Improving people's outlook and readiness for the future could help them overcome procrastination and achieve a less stressful lifestyle.

Improved prime editing system makes gene-sized edits in human cells at therapeutic levels

Science Daily - 10/06/2024
Scientists have improved a gene-editing technology that is now capable of inserting or substituting entire genes in the genome in human cells efficiently enough to be potentially useful for therapeutic applications. The advance could one day help researchers develop a single gene therapy for diseases such as cystic fibrosis that are caused by one of hundreds or thousands of different mutations in a gene. Using this new approach, they would insert a healthy copy of the gene at its native location in the genome, rather than having to create a different gene therapy to correct each mutation using other gene-editing approaches that make smaller edits.

Lung organoids unveil secret: How pathogens infect human lung tissue

Science Daily - 10/06/2024
How do pathogens invade the lungs? Using human lung microtissues, a team has uncovered the strategy used by a dangerous pathogen. The bacterium targets specific lung cells and has developed a sophisticated strategy to break through the lungs' line of defense.


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