Science and Technology

Type 2 diabetes alters the behavior of discs in the vertebral column

Science Daily - 13/02/2024
Type 2 diabetes alters the behavior of discs in the vertebral column, making them stiffer, and also causes the discs to change shape earlier than normal. As a result, the disc's ability to withstand pressure is compromised. This is one of the findings of a new study in rodents from a team of engineers and physicians.

Sandalwood oil by-product prevents prostate cancer development in mice

Science Daily - 13/02/2024
Sandalwood oil has been used worldwide for centuries. Now, a study is the first to demonstrate in vivo the chemo-preventive properties of a by-product of the oil in a mouse model. Results show administering alpha-santalol reduced visible prostate tumors, protected the normal tissue, and delayed progression from a precancerous condition to a high-grade form of cancer. These findings are significant because mortality in prostate cancer patients is mainly attributable to advanced stages of the disease.

Joro spiders well-poised to populate cities

Science Daily - 13/02/2024
The Joro spider was first spotted stateside around 2013 and has since been spotted across Georgia and the Southeast. New research has found more clues as to why the spider has been so successful in its spread. The study found the invasive orb-weaving spider is surprisingly tolerant of the vibrations and noise common in urban landscapes. In this new study, researchers examined how Joro spiders can live next to busy roads, which are notably stressful environments for many animals.

Older adults rely more on trust in decision making. It could open them up to scams

Science Daily - 13/02/2024
Elderly adults lose billions to financial scams by people they trust every year. New psychological research suggests this vulnerability could be linked to older adults' overrliance on initial impressions of trustworthiness.

Neural prosthetic device can help humans restore memory

Science Daily - 13/02/2024
A team of scientists have demonstrated the first successful use of a neural prosthetic device to recall specific memories.

A closer look at cannabis use and binge eating

Science Daily - 13/02/2024
New research examined how often people experiencing binge eating are also using cannabis recreationally, and whether patients who use cannabis experience more severe eating disorder symptoms or symptoms of struggling with mental health.

Polar bears unlikely to adapt to longer summers

Science Daily - 13/02/2024
More time stranded on land means greater risk of starvation for polar bears, a new study indicates. During three summer weeks, 20 polar bears closely observed by scientists tried different strategies to maintain energy reserves, including resting, scavenging and foraging. Yet nearly all of them lost weight rapidly: on average around 1 kilogram, or 2.2 pounds, per day. Some have speculated that polar bears might adapt to the longer ice-free seasons due to climate warming by acting like their grizzly bear relatives and either rest or eat terrestrial food. The polar bears in this study tried versions of both strategies -- with little success.

Hand-held biosensor makes breast cancer screening fast, affordable, and accurate

Science Daily - 13/02/2024
Researchers report successful results from a hand-held breast cancer screening device that can detect breast cancer biomarkers from a tiny sample of saliva. Their design uses common components, such as widely available glucose testing strips and the open-source hardware-software platform Arduino. A saliva sample is placed on the paper strip, which has been treated with specific antibodies that interact with the targeted cancer biomarkers.

Satellites unveil the size and nature of the world's coral reefs

Science Daily - 13/02/2024
New research has shown there is more coral reef area across the globe than previously thought, with detailed satellite mapping helping to conserve these vital ecosystems.

Are you depressed? Scents might help

Science Daily - 13/02/2024
Smelling a familiar scent can help depressed individuals recall specific autobiographical memories and potentially assist in their recovery.

Road features that predict crash sites identified in new machine-learning model

Science Daily - 13/02/2024
Issues such as abrupt changes in speed limits and incomplete lane markings are among the most influential factors that can predict road crashes, finds new research. The study then used machine learning to predict which roads may be the most dangerous based on these features.

Compounds released by bleaching reefs promote bacteria, potentially stressing coral further

Science Daily - 13/02/2024
New research revealed that when coral bleaching occurs, corals release unique organic compounds into the surrounding water that not only promote bacterial growth overall, but select for opportunistic bacteria that may further stress reefs.

Synthetic human embryos let scientists sidestep ethical hurdles

The Hindu:Science - 13/02/2024
Advances in genetic engineering and molecular and cellular biology have catalysed the emergence of synthetic embryology

Newborn gas planets may be surprisingly flat: new study

The Hindu:Science - 13/02/2024
Observing protoplanets that have just formed and are still within their protostellar discs is extremely difficult.

Horseshoe crabs, living fossils of the sea, draw endangered species petition

The Hindu:Science - 13/02/2024
Horseshoe crab populations have crashed in recent decades, with spawning numbers down two-thirds from 1990 in the Delaware Bay estuary that was once their biggest stronghold

Can hydrogels help mend a broken heart?

Science Daily - 13/02/2024
You can mend a broken heart this valentine s day now that researchers invented a new hydrogel that can be used to heal damaged heart tissue and improve cancer treatments.

Archaeologists discover oldest known bead in the Americas

Science Daily - 13/02/2024
The bead found at the La Prele Mammoth site in Wyoming's Converse County is about 12,940 years old and made of bone from a hare.

Nutrients direct intestinal stem cell function and affect aging

Science Daily - 13/02/2024
The capacity of intestinal stem cells to maintain cellular balance in the gut decreases upon aging. Researchers have discovered a new mechanism of action between the nutrient adaptation of intestinal stem cells and aging. The finding may make a difference when seeking ways to maintain the functional capacity of the aging gut.

Researchers studying ocean transform faults, describe a previously unknown part of the geological carbon cycle

Science Daily - 13/02/2024
This study reports widespread mineral carbonation of mantle rocks in an oceanic transform fueled by magmatic degassing of CO2. The findings describe a previously unknown part of the geological carbon cycle in transform faults that represent one of the three principal plate boundaries on Earth. The confluence of tectonically exhumed mantle rocks and CO2-rich alkaline basalt formed through limited extents of melting characteristic of the St. Paul's transform faults may be a pervasive feature at oceanic transform faults in general. Because transform faults have not been accounted for in previous estimates of global geological CO2 fluxes, the mass transfer of magmatic CO2 to the altered oceanic mantle and seawater may be larger than previously thought.

3D ice printing can create artificial blood vessels in engineered tissue

Science Daily - 13/02/2024
A new 3D printing method uses ice to build a template for artificial blood vessels in engineered tissue. Researchers hope the vessels could eventually be used in artificial organ transplants or drug testing.


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