Science and Technology

Using oceanography to understand fronts and cyclones on Jupiter

Science Daily - 07/06/2024
New research led by Lia Siegelman, a physical oceanographer at UC San Diego's Scripps Institution of Oceanography, shows that the roiling storms at the planet Jupiter's polar regions are powered by processes known to physicists studying Earth's oceans and atmosphere. The geophysical commonalities spanning the 452 million miles between the two planets could even help facilitate an improved understanding of those processes on Earth.

Lifesaving childbirth blood loss intervention is highly cost-effective

Science Daily - 07/06/2024
A lifesaving package including early detection and bundled treatment for women who have heavy bleeding during childbirth has been found to incur minimal additional cost according to new analysis from 78 hospitals around the world.

Hidden challenges of tooth loss and dentures revealed in new study

Science Daily - 07/06/2024
A new study has revealed the hidden emotional challenges patients go through following tooth loss. Patients highlight feelings of self-consciousness, shame or fear as well as physical sensations such as pain and sensitivity and worries about how tooth loss might impact their life.

How medical models can transform agriculture

Science Daily - 07/06/2024
Researchers use lessons from nanomedicine and digital twin technologies to address food insecurity and climate change.

Better farming through nanotechnology

Science Daily - 07/06/2024
Advanced technologies enable the controlled release of medicine to specific cells in the body. Scientists argue these same technologies must be applied to agriculture if growers are to meet increasing global food demands.

Macrophages behave like mural cells to promote healing of ischemic muscle injury

Science Daily - 07/06/2024
Innate immune cells including macrophages and neutrophils have unique properties that allows them to quickly accumulate in large numbers at the site of infection or injury. A new study establishes that macrophage in the adult ischemic muscle induce a phenotype switch into mural cells to support restoration of functional blood flow and thereby promote healing. This finding pinpoints macrophages as a potential target for therapeutically enhancing vascular integrity and healing of ischemic injuries.

First-of-its-kind test can predict dementia up to nine years before diagnosis

Science Daily - 07/06/2024
Researchers have developed a new method for predicting dementia with over 80% accuracy and up to nine years before a diagnosis. The new method provides a more accurate way to predict dementia than memory tests or measurements of brain shrinkage, two commonly used methods for diagnosing dementia.

Climate policy: competing crises

Science Daily - 07/06/2024
Current crises are distracting from the climate crisis and weakening support for climate action, a Europe-wide survey reveals.

Vigorous exercise may preserve cognition in high-risk patients with hypertension

Science Daily - 07/06/2024
People with high blood pressure have a higher risk of cognitive impairment, including dementia, but a new study suggests that engaging in vigorous physical activity more than once a week can lower that risk.

Younger children in school year are more commonly diagnosed with ADHD than their older classmates, says new study

Science Daily - 07/06/2024
New research has found that teachers may be attributing signs of age-related immaturity in children, to conditions such as Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The results of the study showed that the youngest students in a class, with birth dates just before the school entry cut-off date, were overrepresented among children receiving an ADHD diagnosis or medication for the condition. Experts looked at how being one of the youngest children in a class can influence the likelihood of being diagnosed with ADHD or ASD. ADHD is a condition where individuals have significant challenges with attention and can be overly active. ASD is a complex developmental condition that relates to how a person communicates and interacts.

Severity of calls to US poison centers increases sharply for both adults, kids

Science Daily - 07/06/2024
The number of calls about intentional exposures, such as illegal drug overdoses, that resulted in death among adults increased a whopping 233.9% between the beginning of 2007 and the end of 2021. And that's just one of several troubling poisoning trends.

Novel diamond quantum magnetometer for ambient condition magnetoencephalography

Science Daily - 07/06/2024
A highly sensitive diamond quantum magnetometer utilizing nitrogen-vacancy centers can achieve millimeter-scale resolution magnetoencephalography (MEG). The novel magnetometer, based on continuous-wave optically detected magnetic resonance, marks a significant step towards realizing ambient condition MEG and other practical applications.

Crystal engineering modifies 2D metal halide perovskites into 1D nanowires

Science Daily - 07/06/2024
Engineers have created a patent-pending method that creates layered perovskite nanowires with exceptionally well-defined and flexible cavities that exhibit a wide range of unusual optical properties beyond conventional perovskites.

How milk proteins interact with caffeine in espresso

Science Daily - 07/06/2024
The swirl of milk and espresso -- a small storm in your mug -- doesn't impact the dynamics of the milk proteins, according to research. Researchers took a molecular view of how milk proteins and caffeine molecules interact in water and in a coffee drink. The results suggest that the structures of milk proteins remain intact, meaning they retain their original mouthfeel and taste in your morning brew.

What is Chang’e 6 and what is its role in China’s moon missions? | Explained

The Hindu:Science - 06/06/2024
On June 4, a spacecraft from the Chang’e 6 lunar lander lifted off from the moon’s far side carrying valuable soil and rock samples

Boeing launches NASA astronauts for the first time after years of delays

The Hindu:Science - 06/06/2024
 Boeing launched astronauts for the first time belatedly joining SpaceX as a second taxi service for NASA.

With bad news from Cassini, is dark matter’s main rival theory dead?

The Hindu:Science - 06/06/2024
The main postulate of MOND is that gravity starts behaving differently to what Newton expected when it becomes very weak

 Global project ‘paints’ evidence of air pollution in India

The Hindu:Science - 06/06/2024
The Air of the Anthropocene project has been exhibited at gallery shows in Los Angeles, Belfast, and Birmingham

The bacteria that write new genes to cope with infections

The Hindu:Science - 05/06/2024
Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria may use a newfound protein called Neo to stop a bacteriophage infection in its tracks


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