Shri Sarvajanik Science College

About us: 

Shri Sarvjanik Science College aims to deliver high levels of academic achievements with consistently good examination results. The College is programmed to be vibrant, friendly atmosphere, excellent pastoral care and its professional and caring partnerships between students, parents,teachers and management. The college is conveniently situated in centre of Mehsana city with its excellent rail and road networks. We offer a Bachelor of Science ( B. Sc.) in subject Chemistry, Microbiology and Physics. The college is established in year 2014 and now it is in peek situation to synthesize the future with our student and their qualities.

  • Well equipped Laboratory for All Science Subjects
  • Multimedia Classroom Facilities
  • Library 
  • E-Library
  • Educational ERP for advancement of students


The Modern Facility includes by Shree Sarvajanik Kelavani Mandal :

  • Hostel
  • Canteen / Mess
  • Gymnasium
  • Wifi Connectivity
  • Shri Kamalaba Community Hall
  • Shri Sarvajanik Doubly Conference
  • Stationary and Xerox
  • Bank 
Faculty Members (ફેકલ્ટી મેમ્બર-ટીચિંગ સ્ટાફ): 
NAMEDesignationEducation/ Qualification MobileExt. NoPhoto
Dr. Kinjal D PatelIncharge PrincipalPh.D. SLET9913967656, 7359626255305
Ms. Anal Kirtikumar PatelAssistant ProfessorM.Sc(Physics), P.G.D.C.A305
Kadia Zalak ParagAssistant ProfessorM.Sc .M.Phil Ph. D. Pursuing305
Mehta Chetan KrishandeoAssistant ProfessorM.Sc8849815139305
Chavda Prakashkumar Balvantji.Assistant ProfessorM.Sc9662267292309
Maheta Maitri MaheshbhaiAssistant ProfessorM.Sc309
Students Strength: 
Academic YearClassNo of Students
2017-2018FY BSC180
2017-2018SY BSC150
2017-2018TY BSC150
Non-Teaching Staff (નોન-ટીચિંગ સ્ટાફ): 
Mr. Rajendra BarotSenior Clerk
Mrs. Ami ThakarLab Assistant (Chemistry)
Salimkhan J. ChauhanLibararian
No Title Description Date Photo Pressnote
1 સાયન્સ કોલેજ દ્વારા ચાર દિવસીય પ્રવાસનું આયોજન
2 સાયન્સ કોલેજનું ગૌરવ સાયન્સ કોલેજના પ્રાધ્યાપક ઓરલ પ્રેઝન્ટેશનમાં પ્રથમ
3 શ્રી સાર્વજનિક સાયન્સ કોલેજ માંથી શ્રી હડમત ગઢવી નું ઓરલ પ્રેઝન્ટેશન માં પ્રથમ મેળવ્યું Total 5 Students (Khushbu Barad, Dhvani Patel, Hiral Prajapati, Amisha Desai, Vaishali Patel and Mansi Zala) and 1 Faculty member (Mr. Hadmat Gadhavi) attended and presented their Poster/Oral in National Level Conference on "Bioscience: Developing the Next Generation" at Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar.
The best oral presentation was awarded to our faculty Member Mr. Hadmat Gadhavi for hid presentation on "Role of Rumen Microbiome for Methan emmission".
11/01/2018 to 12/01/2018 ,
4 શ્રી સાર્વજનિક સાયન્સ કોલેજમાં સાંસ્કૃતિક દિવસ યોજાયો 04/01/2018
5 ગ્રુપ ડે ની ઉજવણી કરાઈ 02/01/2018 ,
6 Thanganat 2017 16/09/2017
Contact us: 

Dr. Rajendra A. Prajapati
Shri Sarvajanik Science College,
Sarvajanik Campus, Near Arvind Baug,
B/h: Bus Stand, Mehsana,
Gujarat 384001
Email :,
Mobile : +91-9898399353
Phone : +91-2762-247711 (O) (Ext: 310)
Fax : +91-2762-247712 (O)